A Helpful Guide for Using a Car Battery Charger

A car battery falls in the category of an automotive battery that produces electrical energy and gets the automobile moving. It is a rechargeable battery, and is also usually known as a SLI. It is used for the purpose of igniting the battery to get the engine of the car started. Once it starts moving and the engine is running, an alternator supplies the power of the car to keep it running. It is regarded to have positive environmental impact; given the car batteries can be recycled. They are traditionally designed to release a large burst of electric current, which is usually measured in amperes, and then can be recharged rapidly as well. However, there are discharging problems which may lead to its untimely damage, and one has to be careful as a dead battery is a very common hassle faced by the car owners. These problems occur more often during the winter months when the temperature trickles really low. Thus, it is a pre requisite to be completely aware of the authentic way to handle a car battery and charge it.

Acquiring a proper charger, which is suitable to be used for your car battery, is the first step to assuring a better service of the battery. There are lots of models and lots of options available in the market to choose from. Thus, making a detailed background check on their usage and going through the instructions manual thoroughly, is a must. Once you have familiarized yourself completely with the instructions, you are good to go. While connecting the battery to the charger, it is very important to check on the electrolyte levels and keep checking with a hydrometer while charging the battery. You will know your battery is charged when the cells start to bubble and gas. Make sure to unplug the charger before you disconnect the battery, otherwise it may release electric sparks as you take them off.

As mentioned earlier, there are various types of car battery chargers. The most basic version of a battery charger usually includes to change the main’s current. It can be changed from around 110/220 volt alternating current, to a direct current of 12 volts as per the requirements of the battery that is charging. A normal home charger which is in moderately good condition, may provide a rate of charge which is in between 3-6 amps. Many batteries also come with a high-low button and a charge indicator.

There is usually some very strict guidelines about what you are not supposed to do with a battery. They are usually mentioned inside the instructions manual when you buy a car battery charger. These guidelines are mostly overlooked. If done so, the bad practices can cause damage to the lifespan of the battery. For example, frequent stopping and starting is one of the most common things that cause damage to the battery. In this case, the battery drains out more power than the alternator can put back. This happens the most during the winter months when heaters, headlights, wipers and heated windows work most of the time. Thus, careful usage of the battery is very important. If you can manage to do that it can live for a long life span.